Marketing Plans

Most small businesses spend money advertising without a clear plan and measurable objectives. Much of what they spend is wasted.

We can help you define what your business is, what makes it different and how to get that message to your market in the most effective and economical way. These blueprints are the “missing link” that can convert random advertising spends into a focused message.


Whether it’s your logo, web site or printed materials, creative design will determine the effectiveness of your message. To that end, we feel design must follow function; it is not a replacement.

Our creative department coordinates the creative energies of internal staff and freelance specialists to produce on-time and on-budget solutions.

Public Relations

All clients have a story to tell. We help uncover your story, decide who you need to tell it to and then deliver your story in a compelling way.

We recommend public relations when it can provide an impactful way to achieve your marketing objectives. Considered more credible than advertising, we use, depending on the need, such PR tools as: media relations, special events, speaking engagements, sponsorships, community relations, philanthropy and more.

Account Management

Spending too much on your advertising?

Using multiple channels and unsure if you are delivering a consistent message?

Do you need help negotiating the best rates?

We can help you maximize your advertising dollars, find the right service providers and assure that they meet completion dates. Missed deadlines can incur higher costs and reduce the effectiveness of an advertising program. Incorrect or improperly prepared artwork is common, especially if you cannot communicate in terms designers understand.


We spend your marketing dollars wisely because we do our homework before your money is spent. We don’t rely on assumptions and long-held beliefs about your market. We research your product or service, your competitors, and your clients and customers. We then identify and analyze the market need, opportunities and challenges.

Only then can we develop a marketing strategy and tactical approach based on solid and reliable information to achieve your marketing objectives

Media Buys

The most confusing and frustrating question when purchasing advertising on your own is deciding which media is the best and how much to spend. Often you just end up guessing.

We eliminate the guesswork by researching each media and preparing a cost-benefit analysis. Based on your marketing objectives we make an informed impartial recommendation about your media buy. We’ll even negotiate on your behalf the best price possible with the media

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