Guerrilla Marketing Partnerships – Learning From Microsoft

Guerrilla Marketing Partnerships – Learning From Microsoft

I recently read an article about Microsoft using guerrilla marketing to promote its forthcoming Surface touchscreen tablets. The graffiti – style campaign in Chicago utilized the side of an independent car wash, a large brick wall.  The aesthetics looked great, with the brick wall providing a level of ‘guerrilla’ authenticity something I am sure Microsoft were seeking. It would have provided great exposure for Microsoft as well, as commuters no doubt walk and drive past this location every day, so the element of surprise would have provided some lasting impressions.  Marketing dollars are no stumbling block for Microsoft.  Therefore Microsoft using an inexpensive strategy shows the value they place in it, something small businesses should take note of and guerrilla marketers should take pride in. All this being said however,…
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The Passage Helps The Homeless via Guerrilla Marketing

Sometimes all it takes is a simple message and the right execution. The Passage is an organisation in London, UK with the mission to help the homeless. In order to get the word out about their organisation and encourage donations, they had volunteers stand in Victoria station with several clever cardboard signs. The agency chose to use cardboard signs as it is often associated with homelessness and often catches the eye. The campaign was quite successful as it engaged people walking by and during the three hours the campaign was run, donations increased by over 25%! The campaign also reached over 650,000 people on Twitter. The cost? A volunteer’s time, recycled cardboard and a couple marker pens. I’d say that is some great guerrilla marketing! Sometimes it’s just as simple…
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Coca-Cola: The Dancing Vending Machine

Coca-Cola company has done it again. We’ve all seen the famous ‘Happiness Vending Machine‘ where students were awarded free Coke with an added twist. This unique vending machine not only dispensed Coke, but also random gifts such as pizza and games! Their new vending machine in South Korea has people dancing for a chance to win a free coke. The machine is powered by Xbox Kinect and encourages people to impersonate and dace with Korean boy band, 2PM. The better the person dances, the more bottles of Coke they are rewarded with. So why does Coke’s marketing work? With the viral success of the happiness machine, they’ve appeared to have found a unique way to reach potential new customers yet they tweak the formula each time to keep it interesting. Sure…
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