[VIDEO] Volvo Ballerina Viral Video Stunt

[VIDEO] Volvo Ballerina Viral Video Stunt

It’s hard to argue with success. And when you rack up more than 5 million views on YouTube in less than one month for a video that cost less than 1 percent of your TV Commercial budget, no one can argue you are a success. Volvo recently joined the ever growing list of YouTube video believers when it created a video to demonstrate the precision and control of its new FH series. What They Did Volvo asked Faith Dickey, a world class rope walker, to go from one moving Volvo FH to another by crossing a rope tied between two Volvo. Of course there is a time bomb element. Otherwise, it won’t be exciting. The two Volvo FH trucks were driving towards two side-by-side tunnels with beams in the middle.…
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Red Bull’s Human-Powered Freerunning Machine

Red Bull seems to be a top contender in the viral marketing area with the Red Bull Stratos jump. A couple weeks prior to the jump, they also published an amazing viral video with over 5.5 million views on YouTube. It’s called the ‘Human-Powered Freerunning Machine – with Jason Paul.” The video features parkour athlete, Jason Paul, running through an elaborately engineered machine that is set up like a pair of dominos waiting to fall. When it comes to marketing, Red Bull definitely captures the extreme factor along with camera company, GoPro. Their video has mixed reactions; however, overall consensus is that it was a success. What do you think? If you’re curious how they set up this machine, feel free to watch their making of video on YouTube. Original Post by Ryan…
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